Nasal Suctioning

- * Medications used to dry up secretions causing the Death Rattle do not always work… Some patients still require pharyngeal suctioning, for example: pneumonia patients.
- * The Death Rattle is common and can be a very unnerving experience for families as well as caregivers.
- * Nasal suctioning can cause Pain, Trauma & Bleeding in your fragile End-of-Life Patients.
- * Many patients in the active phase of dying are not aware of their surroundings and therefore bite down on or “tongue-out” suctioning equipment.
- * The No-Bite V™ provides a fast & easy suctioning alternative to introduce & guide a suction catheter orally instead of nasally. Fits any size suction catheter.
- * The No-Bite V™ can Improve Patient Comfort, Family Satisfaction & (HCAHPS) Scores.
- * Technique is Easy enough that trained family members can suction their own loved ones in the Home Hospice Setting.
- * Multiple uses on a single patient - rinse with water after use, dry & store in package.
- * LED light gives a Well-Lit Assessment. (batteries included)
Best Practice Solution

Suction Catheter Introducer
Quick & Easy Pharyngeal Suctioning
In-Service Video Available Online
Quotes & Info
For Quotes & Info please email
Initiate the 9 Nevers of Nasal Suctioning Protocol
Avoid Nasal Suctioning Trauma & Bleeding