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Camarillo, CA
Update March 2018
“My dad stayed out of the hospital a record 10 Months Pneumonia-Free and Nasal Trauma-Free thanks to the No-Bite Suction!”
Previously my dad was readmitted to the hospital at least once a month with aspiration pneumonias, but now he is doing much better.
Only reason he got sick again was because I put him in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) for 3 days respite. They fed him incorrectly through the wrong feeding tube, he aspirated and of course another aspiration pneumonia. On top of that they didn't use the No-Bites I left behind and I know this for a fact. I actually trained them and they thought the product was great, but were not allowed to use it. I guess their facility does not have that product yet and their director told them they are not allowed to use it????
This is the whole reason I started researching suctioning and came across the No-Bite V Suction Catheter Introducer. After that incident, I did all the suctioning with the No-Bite at home, all by myself!
I believe the No Bite really did help me gain the confidence I needed to suction further down the throat. It helped me realize how much of a difference doing oral pharyngeal suctioning made on my father’s life. Before I was just suctioning orally with a Yankauer and I was basically missing an entire throat full of secretions that are just sitting there, waiting to drip down and cause aspiration pneumonia.
Seriously, you wouldn't believe how shocked some of his nurses and doctors were to find out that he went almost 10 months without getting Pneumonia, with his condition.
And no I didn't sue the hospital, but I am sure I could have.
Original Submission from J. Johnson
February 2017
"I bought the No-Bite V for my father whom I take care of full time. He has problems with aspiration and subsequent aspiration pneumonias. With your No Bite V I can get down fairly deep in his throat and suction all the build up that constantly accumulates. No matter how hard he bites down I can still use it to keep his mouth open. I use your device in conjunction with suction catheters as well as a yankauer suction. Between the two (and it's made a huge difference) I can actually see what I'm trying to suction AND more importantly, allow me to me be much less invasive.
I must say that the affect on my father has been dramatic. Even the home care nurses have commented on how much better he looks and how much more alert he is. We've been able to keep him out of the hospital for about 60 days straight now. A record!
To say that I'm happy with your No Bite V is putting it mildly. I really believe it's helping him to get stronger and most importantly keeping him from aspirating."
After Tim’s diagnosis of ALS in June 2018, one of our biggest challenges (excluding the obvious) was excess secretions. We have more equipment that we ever thought existed – nebulizer with albuterol and saline, cough assist, vest airway clearing system, bi-pap, air-vo, and a suction machine. Nothing was working effectively for Tim until we received the NO-BITE V at one of our visits to the doctor’s office. After seeing him struggle for 10 minutes, our Pulmonologist requested this miracle device that we now cannot be without! It goes everywhere Tim goes. It’s the only device that actually clears the secretions from his throat so he does not choke.
ALS affects every patient differently and there’s no way to tell which way symptoms are going to go, but if excess secretions are the problem – the NO-BITE V is definitely a wonderful solution.
South Florida Area
Thank you for the No-Bite V sample you gave me at the AARC Congress. I did not get the chance to show the sample to my facility as my Aunt entered hospice care soon after I returned home and I took the sample to her Hospice nurse. The hospice nurses were quite impressed and I consider it very fortunate that I was able to help my Aunt in her final hours with your product. If you would kindly send another sample, you may send it to...
Greater Chicago Area
"We use The No-Bite V at home for suctioning our son and it is literally a Lifesaver! I can easily get the suction catheter into the proper place without coiling. My son cannot bite it or move it around with his tongue! Much faster, easier, and much less drama for both of us! My son has advanced stages of Hunter Syndrome (MPS II). His life expectancy was about 14 but then along came an Enzyme replacement therapy (Elaprase) and he and his younger brother (also with Hunter Syndrome) are still with us! Jake has lots of muscle degeneration and weakness despite the ERT so his eating and swallowing skills are pretty pathetic. But he is still beautiful and we love him dearly. So we are happy for all the help we can get with his problems. Raising Awareness: Hunter syndrome, or mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II), is a serious genetic disorder that primarily affects males. The symptoms of Hunter syndrome (MPS II) are generally not apparent at birth, but usually start to become noticeable after the first year of life. In general, the time of diagnosis usually occurs from about 2 to 4 years of age. Hunter syndrome can cause developmental delays and physical deteriorations. From a Pulmonary standpoint: the walls of the airway may become thickened, leading to breathing problems while sleeping (obstructive airway disease). They may also have limited lung capacity due to pulmonary involvement, as well as frequent respiratory tract infections.(1) References: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunter_syndrome"
Tucson, Arizona Area
"I just learned about this product and the two patients we utilized this product with have raved about the easiness, painlessness, decrease in discomfort for themselves as well as for the staff (nursing specifically) performing the suctioning. The third patient we utilized No-Bite on was an end of life patient, who's family had been performing oral suctioning for several months at home, and they commented several times, that if they had this No-Bite she wouldn't be back in the hospital at all."
Greater New York City Area
"From my direct observations and personal experience with no the No-Bite device, I can say intubation and re-intubation has been avoided, end of life airway management was greatly improved, as is patient comfort. This device is also very easy to use and helpful."
Columbus, Ohio Area
"I work in the PICU as a Respiratory Therapist @ Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus Ohio. I love this product it was especially beneficial for a pt requiring frequent suction and having nasal bleeding as a result. The patient actually told me it was much better than even regular oral suction techniques. I am currently working with our products committee to get these purchased for our patients. Anxiously awating the pediatric size too!"
Chicago, IL
"We use the no bite V for home care patients with bulbar disease and need for pharyngeal suctioning. This has been helpful in our hospice patients who benefit from deep glottic suctioning for palliative care."
Greater New York City Area
"I recommend this product."
"I believe the No Bite V device is essential in the hospital setting for a variety of patient types and conditions."
"I wanted to share these photos of my dad back in Nov 2016 before I even knew about the No-Bite. He was nasal suctioned in the hospital and they caused severe nasal trauma... Ouch! And no, he was not even on blood thinners, just baby aspirin."
"My dad stayed out of the hospital a record 10 Months Pneumonia-Free and Nasal Trauma-Free thanks to the No-Bite Suction!"
"Previously my dad was readmitted to the hospital at least once a month with aspiration pneumonias, but now he is doing much better."
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