Techniques for The No-Bite V™
1. Shallow Technique – Oral Pharyngeal
If OK'd by your physician, take out pillow and tilt the head back to facilitate opening of the airway. (Patient does not have to be laying flat!) Pre-Load Suction Catheter first into the device and insert No-Bite V™ into the mouth like a tongue depressor. The No-Bite V™ is bite proof material, so if the patient bites down, the product will not break. Insert suction catheter just a few inches past tip of No-Bite V™ and perform Oral Pharyngeal Suctioning / Subglottic Suctioning.
- Non-Intubated Patients - Subglottic Suctioning of Laryngopharyngeal area is used for patients with ineffective cough that may cough up secretions but cannot spit them out. Subglottic Suctioning of Laryngopharyngeal area may also stimulate patient to cough up more secretions
- If this method does not produce good results of suctioning secretions, your patient may be too weak or lethargic to expectorate secretions. This patient may be headed towards an intubation. In this case Oral Tracheal Suctioning with The No-Bite V™ may be needed.
2. Deeper Technique – Oral Tracheal
Rapid Response / Obtunded Patient
Take out pillow and tilt patient's head back if allowed, Pre-Load Suction Catheter into device and hold catheter with pointer finger so catheter doesn't fall out from weight of the tubing, push down on patients chin with your opposite hand to prevent patient from biting down on No-Bite V™ while you insert the device, depress the tongue and insert the suction catheter into the trachea. Only be in mouth=5 Seconds Max and If patient presents with Hunchback or Slouching Posture, place a rolled up towel behind back, across the shoulder blades.
No-Bite V™ Specifications
- BEST PRACTICE SOLUTION when nasal suctioning is Contraindicated
- Comes Sterile
- Single Patient Use
- Suction catheter introducer fits size 18 Fr suction catheter and smaller
- Allows you to Oral Pharyngeal or Oral Tracheal suction when the nasopharyngeal and nasotracheal suctioning route is contraindicated
- Eliminates coiling of suction catheters
- Prevents patients from biting down on your suction catheters
- Prevents patients from resisting care and pushing out catheter with their tongue
- Allows you to perform suctioning protocols safely on uncooperative/biting patients
- Allows for well lit oral assessment on your uncooperative/biting patients
- Multiple uses with cleaning protocol (water rinse)
Patient Care Areas
- Medical ICU's
- Surgical ICU's
- Neuro-Surgical ICU's
- Stroke Units
- Cardiac ICU's
- Cardio-Thoracic Surgical ICU's
- Burn ICU's
- Cancer Units
- Hospice Centers
- Home Hospice
- Head & Neck Injury Units
Patient Population
- ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - Lou Gehrig's Disease
- CF Cystic Fibrosis
- MS Multiple Sclerosis
- MD Muscular Dystrophy
- Parkinson's Disease
- CVA Stroke Patients
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Patients with Severe Weakness
- Hospice Patients
- Palliative Care Patients
"I wanted to share these photos of my dad back in Nov 2016 before I even knew about the No-Bite. He was nasal suctioned in the hospital and they caused severe nasal trauma... Ouch! And no, he was not even on blood thinners, just baby aspirin."
"My dad stayed out of the hospital a record 10 Months Pneumonia-Free and Nasal Trauma-Free thanks to the No-Bite Suction!"
"Previously my dad was readmitted to the hospital at least once a month with aspiration pneumonias, but now he is doing much better."
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